Publicaciones, artículos, análisis y reportajes de la periodista Olga Rodríguez


Olga Rodríguez Francisco (born in León, 1975) is a Spanish journalist and author, specializing in international reporting, the Middle East, and Human Rights.

She graduated in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and holds a University Specialist degree in Middle Eastern Affairs from UNED. She has reported on some of the most significant international events of this century.

Her notable work includes coverage of the Arab uprisings from Egypt in 2011, gaining access to social movements and activists she had been engaging with since 2004, and whom she had previously written about in various books.

Her chronicles from Iraq during the 2003 invasion and occupation, her reports from Palestinian territories since 2000, Afghanistan, and Syria, as well as her long-term coverage of the refugee crisis involving Afghans, Iraqis, and Syrians are particularly distinguished.

Her analysis of regional events, her investigations and reports on impunity in Mexico, and her chronicles of the economic and social situation in Spain, focusing on those affected by the crisis, are also significant.

Books: El hombre mojado no teme la lluvia, Voces de Oriente Medio (The Wet Man Doesn’t Fear the Rain. Voices from the Middle East) (Debate, 2009) or Yo muero hoy. Las revueltas árabes (Debate, 2012), among others.

Awards: Honoris Causa Pimentel Fonseca Human Rights Award (Italy, 2019), Journalism and Human Rights Award 2014 from the Association for Human Rights of Spain, International Press Club Award 2005 for his reporting from Gaza and Ciudad Juárez or Ortega y Gasset Collective Award 2003 for the coverage of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, among others.